Day: March 10, 2023

My CLAY Work

Room 8 is reading Pennies For Hitler by Jackie French. As part of our learning we had to choose a critical moment from one section of the book. My group chose Georg seeing the shocking death of Elizabeth. We created this scene in a day and our rationale for this choice was Georg seeing London in ruins and piles of rubble everything had been cracked and burned down to the ground. Georg strongly felt this place isn’t safe for him.

Our clay work represents Elizabeth Georg’s crush lying on the man’s lap slowly dripping every last ounce of blood away from existence.  The dramatic sighting of London being torn to pieces and Georg having to witness war the 2nd time. Soon after Georg went to find Aunt Mariam and tell her “I’m Hungry” but Georg couldn’t find her and he went to a nearby bench and sat down until Aunt Mariam showed up. After hours of waiting he couldn’t wait and got the bread on his own. Georg soon saw Aunt Mariam calling out his name and went to her and said “Where Were You” and she replied “I Was At Work” and Georg hugged her and smiled at Aunt Mariam.